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Veritas MAT is governed by Members, Trustees and Local Academy Committees, supported by the Trust's executive leadership team. They are committed to ensuring the Trust's strategy meets the needs of the schools, the communities and the children it serves to ensure the best possible outcomes for our young people in line with the Trust's charitable objectives.

Veritas MAT is committed to strong governance practice. The Trust undertook an external scrutiny review of Governance in 2023 and has been able to build on its strengths. The expansion of the central Trust team also saw the appointment of a permanent Governance professional to further enable the development of Governance excellence.

Governance remains a key priority within the strategic vision outlined within the annual publication of the Trust Improvement Plan, enabling the Trust to continue to build on its strengths, whilst adapting to align to sector development and priorities.

Our Governance leaders represent a diverse variety of age, gender, sexual orientation and backgrounds which help us to best serve our local communities and their values align with the seven principles of public life. Their varied expertise and experience, allow them to challenge the Trust, fulfil their governing functions to a very high standard whilst driving forward effective decision-making for the Trust.

As outlined within a 2022 Ofsted report “Trustees and governors share leaders’ vision and aspirations. They know the school well and provide valuable insights, support and challenge”. 

More information about our Members, Trustees and Local Academy Committees (LACs) can be found within our Governance Structure.

Please contact our Governance Professional if you would like further information about the Governance of the Trust.

Contact Us

Veritas Multi Academy Trust, c/o Warden House Primary School, Birdwood Avenue, Deal, Kent, CT14 9SF

01304 375040