Our Structure
The Scheme of Delegation for Veritas Multi Academy Trust is as follows:
The Scheme of Delegation is reviewed annually and ensures clarity of roles and responsibilities. Furthermore, it establishes lines of communication and collaboration across the Governance functions for the Trust.
A full copy of the Scheme of Delegation can be found here.
The Members of the Trust are guardians of the governance of the trust and must ensure the Trust carries out its charitable objectives.
Trustees are responsible for the delivery of the vision and the strategic development of the Trust and in accordance with the provisions set out in the Articles, its funding agreement and are legally accountable for all statutory functions and for the performance of all schools within the Trust.
The Trustees delegate some of the responsibility of governance and decision-making to the following Committee groups:
- Quality of Education Committee - responsible for monitoring pupil outcomes and standards and quality of teaching and learning throughout the Trust. This committee is responsible for ensuring 'irresistible learning for all' is in practice and the best possible outcomes are achieved for our learners. This committee will ensure high-quality, innovative and inclusive curriculum is upheld across all of our schools.
- Trust Business Committee - is delegated functions relating to the financial management, people strategy and human resources and infrastructure
- Risk and Audit Committee - monitoring the Trust’s internal control, risk management and assurance processes and is authorised to investigate any activity within its terms of reference pertaining to risk.
- Local Academy Committees (LACs) - The Trust Board delegates the four local tier functions of Governance to the LAC's, including SEND, Safeguarding, Stakeholder Engagement and Standards (Educational and other).
LAC members are tasked with scrutinising and providing assurance to Trustees, for the school they are responsible for.
The Trust Board and Committees meet 4 times a year.
In 2023-24, we will be extending our successful Trust Peer Groups to Governance, to share best practice, knowledge, experience and expertise on key matters impacting governance.
If you would like to enquire about becoming a Member, Trustee or Local Academy Committee member, please do not hesitate to contact our Governance Professional who will be happy to share additional information with you and answer any questions you may have.