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Our vision as a trust is to reduce the number of roles undertaken by both headteachers and governors in policy and practice; empowering school leaders to focus predominately on standards within their own academy. Veritas MAT are responsible for the following policy statements.

* currently under review by the Trust Business Committee

** currently under review by the Risk and Audit Committee

*** currently under review by the Quality of Education Committee

**** under review by the Local Academy Committees (LACs)

Pupil Welfare

Finance & Procurement

IT, communications and marketing





Human Resources

Wellbeing and Safeguarding


 Equality Scheme


Governors and Headteachers of academies within Veritas MAT will be responsible for the following policy statements, all of which are available and can be accessed via the individual school websites.:


  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Drugs Education
  • Primary Languages
  • PSHE
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art
  • Design Technology
  • Music
  • Religious Education
  • Relationships & Sex Education
  • Computing & IcT
  • Physical Education

Teaching and Learning

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Behaviour for learning***
  • Special Educational Needs – including the SEN Information Report
  • Uniform Policy****


With additional responsibilities for:

  • Pupil Premium review and action plan
  • Sports Premium review and action plan


Contact Us

Veritas Multi Academy Trust, c/o Warden House Primary School, Birdwood Avenue, Deal, Kent, CT14 9SF

01304 375040